Anna Deszyńska, MD
- specialist in OB/GYN;
- certified sonologist by Polish Ultrasound Society in the field of OB/GYN ultrasound;
- certified by Fetal Medicine Foundation in the area of the First Trimester Screening (NT+ all secondary markers);
- completed her residency at the University Hospital in Krakow;
- based at “DOBREUSG” Group Pracice, Krakow;
- starting from 2010 assisted as a trainer at courses on 3D ultrasound in OB/GYN conducted by Dr. Wiechec and Dr. Nocun (Roztoczanska School of Ultrasound);
- tutor at “MWU Ultrasound Workshops” from 2016;
- gained practical teaching experience at 10 domestic and 4 international activities;
- underwent intensive training in fetal and pelvic ultrasound (Ultrasound Lab of OB/GYN Dpt., Jagiellonian University in Krakow), and at numerous courses.